Learn to train your puppy at the Humane Society of St. Lucie County

6 Tips for Potty Training Your Puppy

Potty training your puppy is necessary to ensure that they do not create a mess in your house. Your family members may get irritated with your puppy’s mess even if your puppy is cute. This irritation may lead to the decision of sending your beloved puppy to the shelter. We want to make sure that we provide every possible resource to avoid this situation. In this article, we will discuss a few tips that will help you potty train your puppy.

Vitamins for Pets

Pet Vitamins

We generally forget our cats and dogs also need regular examinations and supplements like us. Talk to your local vet to learn about the specific vitamins that your pet needs. At the Humane Society of St. Lucie County, which is a no-kill animal shelter, will gladly bring you all the necessary information that you need about your pet friends.

Proper Kitten Care

Kitten Care

Kittens are hands down the most adorable animals out there, and that’s why they are one of the most common pets too. But a fact about kittens is that they don’t like changes in their lives, so many people find it challenging to move with them to a new place. Most kitten parents either are new or doing it for a time want them to be happy and take the best possible care of them. So, we at HSSLC, a no-kill animal shelter and on the mission to provide extreme care to the animals are about to give you the best tips to integrate a kitten into a new home and give them the best care.

your pet and fireworks

Fireworks & Your Pet

Fireworks always mark celebration. Across the globe it is considered a tradition to light fireworks at the start of a new year. Fireworks are beautiful and exciting for most, but it is important to consider the impact they have on pets.

First Pet at Christmas Time

Giving Pets for Christmas

Puppies for Christmas have always been coined as a romantic staple or a child’s dream come true. However, many people do not understand the responsibility that you bestow on someone when you give them the gift of an animal.

Pets during thanksgiving

Pet-Safe Thanksgiving

We know you love your furry friends and don’t want them to miss out on any of your family traditions. However, it is important to know what you can and cannot feed your pets this holiday. It is crucial to know these as well as to inform your guests. A lot of foods that are part of your Thanksgiving tradition can make your pet sick or even be deadly.