Leia, adopted at the HSSLC

December 2020 Featured Pet of the Month

Leia is a very low maintenance dog who loves laying in the sun just as much as she loves laying in her bed. She is housebroken and rarely barks unless she is hungry. Leia walks well on a leash. When it comes to her furry friends, she can be selective. Her friend will need to be the same activity level as her and respect that she is large and in charge. As for cats, she generally has no interest in them and probably couldn’t catch a cat if she tried.

Diamond, adopted at the Humane Society of St. Lucie County

October 2020 Featured Pet of the Month

Diamond is a Terrier, Pit Bull mix. She is 6 years old. Diamond came to us from what seems to be a loving home. Her BFF fell on hard times and could no longer afford to take care of her. Diamond does not understand that yesterday she was in that loving home and today she is in our shelter without her BFF. She tells you this with her actions.