Lily, cat available for adoption in Port St. Lucie

February 2023 Cat of the Month

February 2023 Cat of the Month Hi I’m Lily! I love people! Meet Lily Over 175 days ago, Lily became a resident of the Humane Society of St. Lucie County after her owner passed away. Fun Facts About Lily: Warm and kind kitty spirit; thinks she’s a human Loves sitting in empty seats and hanging…

Ace, a dog available for adoption in Port St. Lucie

February 2023 Dog of the Month

February 2023 Pet of the Month Hi I’m Ace! Look at my ears! Meet Ace Hi, I’m Ace! I am a 3-year-old American Staffordshire Terrier. I came to the Humane Society of St. Lucie County over 600 days ago. When I arrived I fell in love with Sadie, the girl in the kennel next to…

Betsy, cat available for adoption in Port St. Lucie

January 2023 Cat of the Month

January 2023 Cat of the Month Hi, I’m Betsy! I love to hang out! Meet Betsy Betsy is approximately 3 years old and is a domestic shorthair tabby. Fun Facts About Betsy: Incredibly sweet Loves her buddies in the cat feature room, including her sons, Yodi and Brownie Very playful and the biggest toy enthusiast…

Seymour, a dog available for adoption in Port St. Lucie

January 2023 Dog of the Month

January 2023 Pet of the Month Hi, I’m Seymour! I love to smile! Meet Seymour Hi, I’m Seymour! I am a 1-year-old American Staffordshire Terrier. As a puppy, I arrived at the Humane Society of St. Lucie County emaciated and fearful. Through hard work and a good diet, I am now a healthy weight; running,…

Shadow, a dog available for adoption in Port St. Lucie

December 2022 Dog of the Month

Hi, I’m Shadow! I am a 6-year-old Bull Terrier Mix. My original owner fell on hard times and could no longer afford to keep me. Despite how sad that made my dad he knew that the HSSLC would help find me a new home with all the toys I could imagine. Despite my age, I am still very playful.

Red, available for adoption in Port St. Lucie

October 2022 Dog of the Month

Hi, I’m Red! I am a 3-year-old Hound Mix. I love all toys, but especially Nyla Bones. My original owner got very sick and could no longer care for me, so I was taken in by the Humane Society of St. Lucie County. Despite, my young age, I am quite the couch potato. I am the perfect mix, lazy, but slightly playful.

August 2022 Dog of the Month

Diamond is a 12 year old American Staffordshire Terrier Mix. She loves all toys but especially anything that squeaks. Her original family had to move and couldn’t take her with them so she ended up at our animal shelter and has been with us for almost the past year. Diamond likes to explore and her favorite thing is butt scratches. She is the perfect mix, cuddly, lazy, and slightly playful.